I often see the world in a very detailed close up way, noticing the detail of something first and foremost, sometimes I don’t even think to look at the object as a whole. For years I have fought this natural response I have to my environment and tried very hard to create painting other people want or say they would like. I have struggled to try see things as others like to see them rather than how I naturally view the world. I have now decided to embrace my difference and share with everyone what I see when I look at something. Continuing to use nature as my main inspiration. Here is the first painting I the new line of work…
New Direction
Most recently I have been experimenting trying to find a fresh new and more emotive direction for my art. I experimented with may different mediums, jet I kept coming back to oils. the vibrant yet earthy nature of oils had a pull on me that I couldn’t ignore. however, I still wanted to move away from photo realism and stride towards something more ‘alive’, aiming to bring power and emotion into my art, something I have always struggled to achieve.
I began by thinking about what is important to me, what do I care about, what is the centre of my life, the things that bring up the most emotion. This is what led me to the subject for my new series of paintings
‘Inspired by God – Painted by Katie’
I started first with a rough textured base colour, trying to shape the image I wanted to with out the interference or distraction of colour. After this layer dried I then began adding on paint, using a limited colour pallet, scraping or rubbing the paint off and adding more. I felt this every interactive way of painting, enabled me, to become immersed in the image. I had started of with some images for guidance, however half way though I put the photos away and just focused all my attention on my painting, this was really important in enabling me to move away from my automatic reaction to copy exactly. It freed me to experiment, push boundaries and use other senses to guide me as I worked.
Keep Watching this space of updates of my lasts creations
Piccadilly Art market
First day at the Piccadilly art market in york…back again on 4th August, will be displaying different peaces of art, so even if you’ve been before do come visit again. More prints, paintings & cards available for sale.
From vandal to art
Edinburgh wollen Mill exhibition
Come view my art work at the Edinburgh Wollen Mill exhibtion in Harrogate.
Were i am currently displaying four peaces of my artwork.
‘a Way to Go’
‘a Way to go’ is an oil painting I have recently completed and was inspired by a walk I did a few years ago in the lake district up to Grisledale Pike.
The painting has been the outcome of a months work, in which I have been exploring the theme of going on a journey, by removing all the clutter of modern living and getting out into nature. The detail in the path, focuses the viewers initial attention, proceeding then to continue the viewers gaze though out the image, to create a feeling of stillness.
Oil Painting Tips and Tricks
Katie’s Oil Painting Tips and Tricks
Tip 1: Before you start prim any paper you plan to use with 2-3 layer’s of Gesso to prevent the oil seeping though the paper.
Tip 2: Buy some baby wipes. They are a great way to clean your brush between colours. But inshore you wipe it clean before using it for the next colour as it could leave an oily residue on the bristles.
Tip 3: Collect spare bit of cotton fabric to use as rags, to wipe clean your brushes. I wash my rags in warm soppy water between painting sections to avoid them going all stiff and with dried out crusty old pint.
Tip 4: Use a plate for a palette, it is easy to wipe clean after each use.
Tip 5: Invest in a palette knife; it will help you to scrape of any dried oil paint of your palette.
Tip 6: Rather than using the traditional white spirit and linseed oil, (which if you’re anything like me, find the smell to overpowering), use Zesit – a citrus smelling solvent and paint thinner.
Tip 7: Zinc White and Ivory black, take ages to dry so be aware of this while painting.
Tip 8: For your first layer of paint mix with a thinner to help plot out your painting and to speed up the drying time, creating thicker layers as you wish.
Tip 9: If you wish to reuse the colour on your palette, cover your palette with cling film to help prevent them drying out and wasting paint.
Tip 10: Finally, wash up after yourself! Clean your brushes by using a bar of soup and rubbing them into your palm before then rinsing them in water. This prevents the bristles sticking together and ruining your brushes.
New art direction
While I was sat in my studio the other day I looked out my window to the street and shops down below, people were rushing around, heads down, head phones in, talking on the phone, busy walking fast from one shop to another. I then looked behind me at the painting of the lack district I had been working on and became absorbed in the difference I felt looking at the painting to looking at the busy street, I felt stillness. How often do we get to be still in this new digital world?
This moment has inspired me into a new creative project:
Glance. Snap. Capture. Send. Delete. Empty. Replace.
Summer Open Exhibtion
Tonight 7-9pm at Mermaid and Miller shop on Swinegate is the opening of the summer open art exhibition. Displaying the work of 33 York artists.
Preparing for ‘Mermaid and Miller’ June Open exhibtion
I have left the watercolors behind for know in favor of the rich colours, and forgiving drying speed, of Oil Paints.
Looking for inspiration for my next project. I went back to a part of Yorkshire that has been part of family days, what ever the wither, since I was very young. Yet despite its familiarity however, the ruins of Fountains Abby, in Ripon North Yorkshire, still contain a quite shaded beauty when ever I see it.